East Reservoir dam project progressing well
COVENTRY TWP.: Ken Gerstenslager has a perfect view from his backyard of the ongoing construction of the East Reservoir dam.
He can look over the water and watch the $30 million project, which got underway in December, take shape.
From his vantage point — and in the opinion of many others who live and work in the area — so far so good.
“We’re satisfied with what they’re doing,” said Gerstenslager, 74, who has lived on the East Reservoir for more than four decades and is a member of the Portage Lakes Advisory Council. “It’s going to be a lot better than it was.”
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources project involves building an unusual and massive underground wall and soil-cement block to protect the existing and aging embankment along Portage Lakes Drive. The levee prevents water from spilling toward Akron.